Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Although our vitality tends to decline with age, we don't have to sit back and let it fade away. Diet has a profound effect on our sense of well-being and energy, and certain natural substances (HGH) can help our aging bodies rejuvenate and renew themselves. People with lower levels of key body (HGH anti-aging) substances seem to age faster.

EnJuvenate™ utilizes unique anti-aging nutritional formula with its proprietary formulation that that positively affect the body’s natural production of substances (HGH) that help us feel younger. :

Supports the body’s production of natural hormones.
Stimulates the body’s ability to form lean muscle mass.
Assists in slowing the aging process.
Supports the body’s natural production of important biological substances.


With unique properties, EnJuvenate is a rich chocolate drink that supports lean muscle mass and enhances your feelings of vitality and well-being.
  • Super Protein Complex - combines whey, soy, egg, rice, pea and beet proteins and glutamine peptides to supports lean muscle mass and enhances protein absorption with aloe vera.
  • Pituitary Complex - consists of Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Alpha Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (alpha-GPC) to provide targeted nourishment that promotes cognitive function and youthfulness.
  • Regenerative Complex - contains the antioxidant Alpha Lipoic Acid to help protect against free-radical damage and promote skin health and Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate to support the body’s natural production of important biological substances.
  • MacaPure - (Lepidium meyenii), a domesticated plant of Peru, is traditionally used for enhanced energy.

Mixing Instructions:

  • One hour before bedtime, mix two scoops (50 g) of EnJuvenate™ with 8 oz. of ice-cold water, skim milk, or soy milk.
  • Shake vigorously and drink immediately. 
  • Do not exceed recommended amount.

Recommended Use:
  • For adult use only. 
  • Use EnJuvenate™ three (3) times per week. 
  • For best results, do not consume any food within one hour before or after consuming EnJuvenate™.
Recommended for :

  • After childbirth/operation
  • Aging parents
  • Fatigue or tire easily
  • Immune system enhancement
  • Infertility (male/female)
  • Ladies health
  • Sleeplessness
  • Thyroid
  • Vision improvement
  • Wellness maintenance and many more

  • Do not take if you are pregnant, lactating, have a medical condition, taking any medications, under a physician’s care, or allergic to soy protein, egg white, rice protein, or whey protein. 
  • Use only as directed.

Q: Rather than taking EnJuvenate three (3) times a week as recommended, can I take half the recommended dose every day?

A: It is recommended that you take EnJuvenate every three (3) times a week to give your body time to readjust. 

Q: Can a child or someone under the age of 35 take EnJuvenate?
A: EnJuvenate is not recommended for children or anyone under the age of 35.

Q: Can I add hot water to EnJuvenate? 
A: It is not recommended, because hot water can destroy the nutrients.

Research Brief of Enjuvenate

Certain compounds are produced by the pituitary gland at different times throughout a person’s life.  These are essential for growth and regeneration of cells and tissues. Some specialists in anti-aging medicine believe that regaining the ability to create these compounds or even introducing these compounds to a person deficient in them may have the effect of a “Fountain of Youth!”

The body’s production of some of these molecules is very high during childhood and adolescence. Unfortunately, after age 20 the release of these products by the pituitary gland falls at a rate of approximately 14 percent every 10 years. By age 60, a loss of 75 percent or more of these compounds is not uncommon.

The physical symptoms such as wrinkles, increased body fat, loss of muscle mass,loss of energy and other signs that normally accompanies aging can be linked directly to this decrease in the production of these important biomolecules.

Secretagogues are supplements that work with your body to regulate the natural production of these important molecules. As the body creates more of these products, research has shown that many of the symptoms of aging may be reversed.

If you want to sleep well, wake up refreshed even after 2 hours of sleep, have all day energy, look and feel young, have smooth skin, tighten up all the loose places and reverse ageing, then it’s time to get a bottle of Enjuvenate and try it out yourself.

Unlike some other similar products, Enjuvenate will not cause water retention, so you will not put on weight, when drinking Enjuvenate.

Enjuvenate is recommended for people above 30 and above. If you are sexually active, you will notice exciting improvements within the first week. Enjuvenate also works extremely well for your ageing parents especially those who are weak and lack energy.

Would you like to look 30 when you are 40, when you are 50, or 40 when you are 60?  A 20 year old car can look brand new, likewise with the right skincare and anti-aging nutrition, you too can look much younger than your biological age.

EnJuvenate - เอ็นจูวีเนท

ฟื้นฟูความเป็นหนุ่มสาว ด้วยสูตรอาหารที่ช่วยให้ต่อมใต้สมองหลั่ง HGH (Human Growth Hormone) อีกครั้ง ซึ่งจะทำให้เกิดการฟื้นฟู ซ่อมแซมร่างกายทุก ๆ ส่วน ให้แข็งแรง เต่งตึง สดใส เหมือนกับหนุ่มสาว

• Soy Protein Isolates
• Calcium Caseinate
• Crystallin Fructose
• L-Omithine
• Alpha Keto Glutarate
• Glutamine
• L-omithine
• Gamma Oryzanal
• Dibencozide(CoEnzymeB12)
• Gamma Aminoburyric Acid
• Macuna Pruriens Extract
• Natural Vanilla Cream Flavor

• ส่งเสริมการสร้างโกรทฮอร์โมน (Growth Hormone) ของต่อม Pituitary
• ช่วยฟื้นฟูสภาพร่างกายให้กลับเป็นหนุ่มเป็นสาวอีกครั้ง
• ลดเซลลูไลท์ (Cellulite)
• ทำให้มวลกระดูกเพิ่มขึ้น ทำให้กล้ามเนื้อและข้อแข็งแรง
• ช่วยให้ระบบสายตาดีขึ้น ป้องกันอัลไซเมอร์
• ช่วยให้ร่างกายแข็งแรง สดใส สุขภาพดีขึ้น ไม่อ่อนเพลีย
• ทำให้ใบหน้า ผิวพรรณเปล่งปลั่ง กล้ามเนื้อกระชับ
• ฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพทางเพศ
• ช่วยทำให้ผิวพรรณเต่งตึง สดใส มีน้ำมีนวล ใบหน้า สดใส กล้ามเนื้อกระชับ ดูอ่อนกว่าวัย

• รับประทานวันละ 1 ช้อนตวง ผสมกับน้ำเย็น 250 มล. 
• ดื่มวันเว้นวัน ก่อนนอน ห่างจากอาหารมื้อเย็นอย่างน้อย 2 ชั่วโมง

• ผลิตภัณฑ์นี้มีโปรตีนสูงจึงไม่เหมาะกับผู้ป่วยโรคเก๊าท์ โรคหัวใจ โรคตับ ผู้ได้รับยาจากแพทย์
• ห้ามใช้กับเด็ก สตรีมีครรภ์ หรือให้นมบุตร
• การล้างสารพิษให้ร่างกายสะอาด จะช่วยให้กระบวนการฟื้นฟูความหนุ่มสาวได้เร็วขึ้น